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We provide Work Pass Administration and professional services to PR application and comprehensive assistance on PR Scheme for investors.





















Permanent Residence Scheme for Investors

For foreign investors who are interested in investing and residing in Singapore, IDEAMGT also provide comprehensive service inclusive business plan drafting (as required by the authorities) according to your planned business in Singapore, filing the application on your behalf with authorities, track and liaison on the application progress, assist and advise in company incorporation and accounting services.

Investors who become Permanent Residence may be required to fulfill specific residence obligations to retain their status. In this case, permanent residency is conditional on maintenance of a business.

A foreigner who is interested to start up a business or invest in Singapore, may apply for Permanent Residence (PR) status for himself and his immediate family (spouse and unmarried children 21 years of ago and below).

Under the scheme, you can choose either of the 3 following investment options:
1. Option A: Invest at least S$1 million in a new business startup or expansion of an existing business operation.
2. Option B: Invest at least $1.5 million in a new business startup, expansion of an existing operation, approved Singapore-incorporated venture capital fund or Singapore-incorporated foundation or trust that focuses on economic development.
3. Invest at least $2 million in a new business startup, expansion of an existing operation, approved Singapore-incorporated venture capital fund or Singapore-incorporated foundation or trust that focuses on economic development. In addition, residential property for owner occupancy can be purchased with not more than 50% of the investment amount.

1. 方案A: 投资至少新元100万于创立新公司或注资现有公司.
2. 方案B: 投资至少新元150万于创立新公司或注资现有公司、或经批准的以新加坡为总部的创业投资基金或是致力于经济发展的基金和单位信托。
3. 少新元200万于创立新公司或注资现有公司,或经批准的以新加坡为总部的创业投资基金或是致力于经济发展的基金和单位信托,可以使用不超过总投资额50%的资金用于购买投资者自己居住的产业。

There are some Key criteria for Singapore permanent residence application through the investment scheme includes:
> Have a substantial business track record
> Have an entrepreneurial background
> Have a business proposal or investment plan

> 具有良好的经商纪录

> 具备企业家精神
> 拥有完善的商业或投资计划

PR status will be conferred when the investment is made.


You may wish to contact us for further details and application requirements.

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